When asked about the main attractions in Barcelona, ​​the answer is always the same: the whole city is a continuous attraction. Few cities in the world can match Barcelona in this regard. A walk through the city will surprise you with a rich architectural heritage that includes ruins from the Roman Empire, medieval streets, amazing Gaudí architecture and ultra-modern buildings of the twenty-first century. Art lovers will not get bored in Barcelona. The most impressive sights are the Picasso and Joan Miró Museums, the Palau Nacional, which houses the largest collection of Romanesque art in the world. You should also pay attention to the Museu d'Art Contemporani - exhibitions for connoisseurs of contemporary art are presented here.

Experienced travelers book a hotel in Spain online, compare ratings, rates and study reviews. For example, in Barcelona, you can book the Eurostars Bcn Design hotel from € 100 per night.

Of course, you cannot miss the main symbol of Barcelona - La Sagrada Familia, which is located in the north of the city. A tour of the temple can be combined with a visit to the house-museum of the architect Antoni Gaudi, which is located on the territory of the temple.

Football fans should definitely get into the Barcelona Museum, this exhibition of football fame is visited by up to one and a half million tourists a year.
If you are traveling with children, you just need to go to the Museu de Cera de Barcelona wax museum, which features over 300 wax figures, real famous people and fictional characters from world literature. Also worthy of attention is one of the most beautiful parks in Europe, Parc de la Ciutadella, where you can ride boats on the lake.

While in Barcelona, ​​it is worth trying Spanish tapas, which are served in almost every eatery, as well as exquisite Catalan cuisine. Local specialties include Arroz Negro - seafood and vegetables with rice and cuttlefish sauce and Paella - a yellow rice-based dish with vegetables, meat or seafood. Nightlife in Barcelona is considered one of the best in the world. Nightlife starts at midnight. When you arrive in Barcelona, ​​you can buy the Barcelona Card, which offers many discounts on public transport and entrance fees. On certain days of the month, some museums can be visited free of charge.

Practical advice for tourists in Barcelona

Beware of pickpockets, it is also common in the city to steal bags right on the street.

Special attention should be paid to people who offer "help" around the Ramblas and Old Town. Do not leave luggage unattended, carry only small amounts of cash with you. Keep color copies of documents with you, and leave the originals in the hotel safe. Anyone who has been a victim of a crime should immediately go to the nearest police station - this is necessary to obtain compensation.