Spain is an ancient country with a colorful and diverse cultural heritage. And dances and music play an important role in shaping this national aspect of the country.

Those tourists who are interested in these areas of creativity and go on vacation to Spain should definitely visit the Catalan capital - Barcelona.

Experienced travelers prefer to book a hotel in Spain in advance online, compare prices, ratings and reviews. For example, in Barcelona you can book Barcelona Princess from 71 euros per night.

It is here that numerous events dedicated to the national Spanish culture are organized for foreign guests and local art lovers.

In particular, in Barcelona you can watch the performances of authentic musicians and dancers who dedicated their lives to such an original direction as flamenco. This trend can rightly be considered a property of Spanish culture and an important element of the daily life of the local population.

This type of art is multifaceted and quite complex, its roots go deep into that historical era, when the Spaniards actively adopted the characteristic directions of their music from the Arab peoples and gypsies.

Over time, the rhythms of Cuban musical creativity, and even such timely trends as jazz, had a significant influence on the formation of flamenco. The timely format of this art has become a colorful symbiosis of traditional features and current ideas about aesthetics, plasticity, and musical sound.

The main attribute of flamenco remained expression, openness and emotional performance. If foreign tourists are interested in such an original genre of creativity, then when visiting Spain they should definitely go to one of the professional thematic shows. In Barcelona there are quite popular teams that can boast of a high level.

Flamenco performances are held here regularly, large-scale shows often become part of cultural and entertainment events, festivals and mass celebrations. And they are consistently popular with thousands of foreign travelers visiting Spain and Catalonia as part of a tourist visit.

Flamenco is the visiting card of the country and the region, the idea of ​​the culture and life of the Spaniards will be incomplete if you do not devote the evening to getting acquainted with such a colorful art form.

In fact, flamenco is an intricate dance performance that is traditionally performed with acoustic guitar accompaniment and vocal accompaniment.

However, today there are enough original modern interpretations on a similar topic.

In Barcelona, ​​you can find many themed venues, where the entertainment program consists entirely of performances by local and invited flamenco bands. Also, it is in this city that large-scale festivals and competitions dedicated to this type of creativity are often organized.