If you have a passion for the paranormal and love a touch of terror with your travels, the quiet town of Camas has a few surprises up its sleeve. Dotted amongst its beautiful natural setting, and charming town center, you'll find a handful of hotels promising more than just a place to lay your head at night. They offer a tantalizing journey into the unknown, through whispered ghost stories and unexplained incidents. If your ideal vacation includes the thrill of eerie encounters, then continue reading to open a gateway into some of the spookiest hotels in Camas. Don't forget to compare hotel deals in Camas to ensure your stay doesn't give your wallet a scare as well.

The Ghostly Grandeur of Camas Hotel

Standing proudly in the heart of Camas' historic downtown is the Camas Hotel. A century-old gem, this establishment has famously put up celebrities and visitors alike over the years. Whilst most guests have checked out, others have seemingly decided to make this their eternal home. Staff and guests often recount tales of running water, disembodied voices, and flickering lights. Particularly feared is Room 17, where an unseen entity is fond of playing with the electronics and might even make an appearance in the mirror. Yes, the Camas Hotel offers a stay that thrills, chills, and even sends shivers down your spine.

Oak Park Inn's Sinister Secrets

Oak Park Inn, though riotously renovated, fails to keep its haunted past at bay. Beneath its classic exterior hides a macabre history. The Inn was once served as an asylum in the early 1900s and it seems some of the former patients did not quite find the peace they were seeking. Reports of wailing cries in the night, a spectral man walking through the halls, and chilling laughters echoing from the basement make it one of the eeriest hotels in Camas. Football fans beware - numerous guests have reported spectral apparitions interrupting their televised games."

The Haunting of Lacamas Lake Lodge

Nestled by the enchanted shores of Lacamas Lake, the Lacamas Lake Lodge is a blend of tranquil beauty and untamed mystery. Longstanding legends hint at buried Native American treasure on the grounds that has given rise to a spectral guardian eternally protecting the undiscovered wealth. The ghostly figure of a Native American woman has often been seen at twilight near the lake shoreline, making for an eerie end to a day of relaxation. Hot or cold, day or night, when specters whisper through the lodge, chills are guaranteed.

Crown Park Manor's Royal Spirits

Last, but by no means least, the regal Crown Park Manor, with its timeworn charm, houses not just history but a handful of royal spirits. The once-residence of a powerful tycoon saw many a tragic event, death being unfortunately common. Despite the luxurious renovations, the manor retained the remnants of its spectral guests. Unhurried footsteps on the grand staircase, spectral whisperings of long-ago parties in the ballroom, and ghostly celebrations in the muted dining halls are all part of its unspoken charm. An overnight stay here equals an invitation to a ghostly gala unlike any other.

From ghostly gatherings to spectral sightings, the horror-tinged hotels in Camas offer an experience like no other. But remember, beauty often cloaks a spine-tingling underbelly, so sleep tightly in these haunted havens. Dare you take the plunge into the paranormal and plan a trip to Camas’ spookiest hotels? Just remember to compare hotel deals in Camas before you venture into the town's haunted hospitality.